Doing the right thing
We endeavour to do the right thing in what we do, be it in relation to food, people, community, the environment etc.
The Priory company ethos is that we are a food and design led company, in that we like healthy, tasty, and well presented food, and a practical and sustainable design.
Good, healthy, & natural food
Our toasties, sandwiches, salads and snacks are made fresh every day, using natural ingredients which are either made on our premises or is delivered freshly to our store. We don’t have a huge factory. Our food is made freshly and also to order throughout the day.
Reducing any waste
Fresh food is by definition, fresh. We produce food in accordance with our demand and reduce any food waste wherever possible. Our packaging and wrappers etc. are reusable, recyclable, or compostable where possible.
Appreciating our people
Our team are our most important ingredients. Our aim is to pay them as much as we can afford (and not what we think will be just enough to get over the line with). Please let us know if you are interested in joining us here in Priory - we are always interested in speaking to dedicated, passionate, and interesting people to join our team.